Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thoughts on an End-Middle-End Architecture

Many see good reasons to allow functionality to take place on the core of the Internet. Some have suggested modifying the Internet to be more friendly toward middleboxes. In their SIGCOMM '07 publication "An End-Middle-End Approach to Connection Establishment," Saikat Guha and Paul Francis at Cornell University point out several reasons why middleboxes are not only an unavoidable part of the Internet, but that they are also desirable.

Middleboxes are useful for several reasons. First, they provide a way to block unwanted packets before they reach an endpoint, and this provides defense against DoS attacks. Second, by adding functionality to the core, middleboxes allow third parties (ISPs, corporate organizations) to get partial control of and information from connections that pass through their networks. Also, by adding functionality to middleboxes, firewalls can be more accurate in which packets are blocked and which are not.

Francis and Guha in their paper identify five transport services that should be provided on a connection. Most of these services are already provided to an extent with the current Internet:
  1. User-friendly host naming
  2. Network-level identification of all hosts, and best-effort delivery
  3. A way for a host to know which packet should be delivered to which applications
  4. Blocking unwanted packets
  5. Negotiation of middlebox usage between endpoints and networks in between
The first two are provided through the domain name system and IP addresses. Ports provide a means for the third service. The last two services is where middleboxes come in. Blocking unwanted packets is done through firewalls, and the fifth service is provided in the architecture they propose, known as NUTSS.

NUTSS allows two different phases to take place in a connection. The first is where access control is negotiated, and location of end-hosts is determined. The second is the actual transfer of the data. Negotiation takes place through policy boxes (known as P-boxes). P-boxes provide authentication for actual data flows.

In a data flow, the end-hosts will need to provide the aforementioned authentication to middleboxes (M-boxes) along the way. To enhance M-boxes' awareness of data, a fifth element is added to TCP -- the service identifier, or a global unique identifier of the type of application that is used to communicate between the hosts.

Based on what I understand about the NUTSS architecture, I am impressed with how it separates address from naming more so than DNS does. Addresses are provided by P-boxes with the assumption that they may change over time. Mobile IP could easily be implemented in this architecture.

I agree that firewalls should be more intelligent about how they block packets. However, I don't understand how adding a service id to a connection would allow a firewall to better be able to filter packets other than knowing which application that a given packet maps to. For a firewall to more accurately block packets, it may be required to assemble an entire response, which would be difficult.

A third impression I have from reading about this architecture is that there are going to be a lot of attacks made on P-boxes. If a policy box is compromised, then it could be made to grant connection access to hosts it otherwise would deny. If this architecture is be incrementally deployed, more could be said on how to secure them.

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